Dhurandhar apps ئاپەکان

Ringtone Maker with Mp3 Cutter 1.1.2
Dhurandhar apps
Ringtone make with mp3 cutter and voice recorder is fastest yetrich features
Piano Tiles And Keyboard 1.0.3
Dhurandhar apps
Piano Tiles and Keyboard.You wanna learn how to play piano?love to time pass with music like us?Bored with black and white piano?Want experience colorful piano?Here we introduce it with Dhurandhar apps.Not this,you will get, bass to play,play guitar ,strings,Orchestra,flute,Single piano app to make your own music album and music rockband songsWe are always open for suggestionsUse it , play it, learn with it...
Music Player 6.2.2
Dhurandhar apps
Forget the regular musicplayer and switch to more powerful &modern music player
Hanuman Chalisa Mp3 and Lyrics 1.1.2
Dhurandhar apps
Shri Hanuman Chalisa Mp3 App for Android in Hindi Lyrics
Shiv Tandav Stotram 1.0.4
Dhurandhar apps
Shiv Tandav Stotram is a hymn, mainly devoted to lord Shiva thattells about the power and beauty of Lord Shiva. Shiva Stotram isone of the very religious and holy hymns for Hindus and hence everyLord Shiv devotee read this shiv tandav stotram very carefully. Inthis religious post, today we are going to share Shiv TandavStotram lyrics both in sanskrit and Hindi. Talking about ShivTandav Stotra then it was written by ”Ravana” one of the greatdevotees of Lord Shiva and the king of Lanka. The Shiv Tandav istraditionally attributed to Ravana who was actually a rakshasa(demon ) king of Lanka but a great devotee of Shiva. Both the ninthand tenth quatrains of this Shiv Tandav song close witharrangements of Shiva’s epithets as destroyer, even the destroyerof death itself. Similar sounding word usage and likeness in soundmake bothering floods of reverberating magnificence in this case ofHindu devotional poetry. In the last quatrain of the shiv tandavstotram, in the wake of feeling burnt out on rampaging over theEarth, Ravana asks, “When will I be happy?” Because of the force ofhis supplications to God and self-denying contemplation, of whichthis hymn was a case, Ravana got from Shiva powers and a celestialsword. Shiv Tandav Stotram – Facts: According to Hindu traditionalbelief that Lord Shiva is the ruler of all dancers. He was aspecialist in the thandava style of moving. This is an overwhelmingmasculine style of moving. This shiv tandav stotra is about himwhile in the demonstration of moving. Similar sounding word usageand likeness in sound make annoying floods of reverberatingmagnificence in this incredible stotra. This stotra which is sosuperb was created by none other than Ravana, the evil presenceruler, who ruled over Sri Lanka, who was one of the great devoteesof Lord Shiva. Once the glad Ravana vanquished the whole India anddrew nearer Mount Kailas on top of which Lord Shiva lives with hisconsort Goddess Parvathi. Ravana called Lord Shiva to descend. Whenhe didn’t, he evacuated the mountain with his twenty hands. Thismade Goddess Parvathi unsteady. At that point Lord Shiva pusheddown the mountain with his thumb. Ravana was smashed by theheaviness of the mountain. There he adulated Lord Shiva by singingthe Sama Veda and this extraordinary stotra made by him. RulerShiva was pleased andpardoned him. A compelling and complexpersonality, Ravana is for many Hindus a legendary hero, a scholarof immense intelligence and the devoted husband of one oftraditional five perfect women, Mandodari. Ravana married Maya'sdaughter, Mandodari, who was a very beautiful & righteous wife.He had a son by her, named Meghanaada (which means the 'sound ofthe clouds' or the 'sound of thunder'). Meghanaada defeated Indra,the king of Demigods, and earned the title of 'Indrajit'. Ravana'sgreat-grandfather was Brahma (God of Ultimate Knowledge). He hadadvanced knowledge of mathematics, science and Ayurveda. He wasobsessed with his powers and was egoistic, and to display and provehis powers he was about to move Mount Kailash (the abode of Shivawho was his ancestor God). He managed to lift the mountain butShiva immediately placed it back just by pressing his toe crushingRavana's fingers in the process. That is when Ravana sings "ShivaTandava Stotra" and he was spared and blessed with chandrahas (moonsword by Shiva) considered one of the most powerful weapons inHindu mythology. He is one of the five primary forms of God in theSmarta tradition and "the Destroyer" or "the Transformer" among theTrimurti, Bramha, Vishnu, Mahesh, the Hindu Trinity of the primaryaspects of the divine. Shiv Tandav Stotram Features: • Completelyoffline app. No internet connection required after downloaded. •Hindi lyrics. • Text in synchronized with audio. So you can readwhile listen The Shiv Tandav. • Shiv Tandav Stotram in mp3. • ShivTandav Stotram auto replay.
World`s Fastest Calculator 2.1.3
Dhurandhar apps
Tired of using regular calculators? We are introducing the world`sfastest calculator. I'm easy to use and beautifully designed to dothings better than your phone or handheld calculator ever did.Perform basic calculations such as addition, subtraction,multiplication, and division Do scientific operations such astrigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions Perform basiccalculations on the go using Android Wear. I remember everythingyou calculate, and let you review it anytime, making me perfect forshopping, doing homework, balancing checkbooks, or even calculatingtaxes. And if you quit the calculator and go do something else,it's all still here when you come back. You'll never need to typethe same calculation twice again. You can place the cursoreverywhere you like in the calculation: It's like a note where youcan change anything you like in any place with the advantage, thatchanging number or operators updates your calculation immediately!This is scientific Calculator For Engineering Student. EngineerStudent Easy to solve Maths problem by using "WF Calculator". WorldFastest Calculator is free to use calculator for Graphic Problem.Inbuilt symbol in calculator: π ^ e ln, !, i, X, Y , ( ) , [ ],+/-, -Row, +Row -col, +col Sin, cos, tan,   Five PANELS areAvailable: 1 Graph panel 2 Hex Panel 3 Basic Panel 4 Advanced Panel5 Matrix Panel Graphing: -Graph three equations at once. -Viewequations on graph or in table format. -Normal functions such asy=x^2 -Inverse functions such as x=y^2 -Circles such as y^2+x^2=1-Ellipses, Hyperbola, Conic Sections. -Inequalities -Logarithmicscaling -Add markers to graph to view value at given point. -Viewdelta and distance readings between markers on graph. Matrix: -Integers (-2, -1, 0, 1, 2 etc.). - Decimal fractions (1.5, 3.14etc.). - Common fractions (1/2, 3/4, 7/3 etc.). - Complex numbers(i, 1+i, 1/2-2i, 0.5+2/3i etc.). Advanced Panel: -Scientific (sin,cos, tan) - logarithm(ln, log, e) - X and Y With a really hugefeatures: • It has standard regular calculator functions. •Advanced scientific calculator functions like Sine, Cos, Tan... •Graph functions. Yes create your graphs in calculator. • Displayscalculation history • The binary, decimal and hex calculations. •Unlimited history even after you close app. • Matrix calculations.• Use of Dec, Bin, Hex unit. • Just install and enjoy. • We areopen for comments and reviews • You'll never forget where you arein a calculation - I show you exactly what's happening at all times• I show your calculations in clear, elegant type that's easy toread, with commas just where they should be • You can use backspaceanytime to correct a simple mistake, instead of starting over • Usememory to keep a running total you can actually see • My percentagekey shows exactly what it did, so you're not left confused • Swipememory keys aside for advanced math functions! • Displayscalculated expression • Percentage calculation available • Easy toAccess and Innovative. • Good Usability. • App Available for FREEto use. • Unlimited Digits screen. • Basic arithmetic , Square rootand Percentage calculation. • Engineer and Scientific functions. •Smart-button technology.
Christmas Songs 1.1.1
Dhurandhar apps
Christmas mp3 Songs with lyrics and christmas celebration wallpaper
Bible Songs For Kids 9.1.7
Dhurandhar apps
The Bible is a collection of sacred texts or scriptures that Jewsand Christians consider to be a product of divine inspiration and arecord of the relationship between God and humans. Many differentauthors contributed to the Bible. And what is regarded as canonicaltext differs depending on traditions and groups; a number of Biblecanons have evolved, with overlapping and diverging contents. TheChristian Old Testament overlaps with the Hebrew Bible and theGreek Septuagint; the Hebrew Bible is known in Judaism as theTanakh. The New Testament is a collection of writings by earlyChristians, believed to be mostly Jewish disciples of Christ,written in first-century Koine Greek. These early Christian Greekwritings consist of narratives, letters, and apocalyptic writings.Among Christian denominations there is some disagreement about thecontents of the canon, primarily the Apocrypha, a list of worksthat are regarded with varying levels of respect. Attitudes towardsthe Bible also differ amongst Christian groups. Roman Catholics,Anglicans and Eastern Orthodox Christians stress the harmony andimportance of the Bible and sacred tradition, while Protestantchurches focus on the idea of sola scriptura, or scripture alone.This concept arose during the Protestant Reformation, and manydenominations today support the use of the Bible as the only sourceof Christian teaching. For Kid's Church, Sunday School This lessonhelps familiarize children with the Bible, how it came to be, andthe importance of it. Like any book its nice to know the backgroundof it, when it is written, if its fiction or non-fiction, who theauthor is, etc. Except that this book is the most important book wewill ever read. It teaches us how to live our life, comforts us inour times of need, helps us to know who God is, and gives us someincite on our future on earth and with God. The main verse for thislesson will be taken from Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp to myfeet and a light to my path." I’ve taught this program twice inSunday School to ages 6 to 12. It’s been a very enjoyableexperience. These lessons have been developed with the help of allthe great homeschooling resources that I've used over the years.Overview of Bible History I have found that this is a great way togive kids a quick overview of Biblical history in the context ofworld history. It can be used for homeschool lessons and for Sundayschool lesson. Please feel free to use it and share it with yourfriends. If you love God it is ALWAYS fun to study the Bible,because it is the Word of God. And to really understand the Word ofGod sometimes you have to find a map just so that you canunderstand what is going on. Many of the stories in the Biblemention the names of cities, mighty nations, rivers and mountains,and distances from one place to another. Geography technicallycomes from two ancient words that mean to "describe the world," andin this website you will find many maps, tools, and activities thatwill help describe the world to you as you learn how to understandthe geography of the Bible. Always consider offering ColoringPagesor you could look at the Bible Printables for children whoaren't interested in participating in the group activity (or if youget done the group activities very quickly and need something tofill in the spare time). Everyone has a need for "alone time" oncein awhile. Also, sending home the coloring pages with the Take Homesheet provides parents with much needed help in reinforcing thelessons. Sample Bible Kids Songs: Awesome God Every move I make Imake in You I've Got Peace Like A River I've got the joy, joy, joy,joy Jesus Loves Me We Want To See Jesus Lifted High Here I Am toWorship THY WORD The Butterfly Song Important Features: 10 biblesongs for kids Pause and Play the Audio. Bible songs for kids withlyrics Kids different Clipart auto play
Color Disco Light 1.2
Dhurandhar apps
discjòquei d'il·luminació és una variant delail·luminació de l'escenari que és utilitzat per DJ iendiscoteques. Il·luminació del disc és generalment utilitzat persodisc i en la majoria de les discoteques modernes i moltsbarsnocturns.Hi ha molts tipus diferents d'il·luminació so de DJ com araescànersque utilitzen un mirall per reflectir raigs de llum que esmouen alvoltant, efectes propis del tornado que es projectenmúltiples raigsde llum que giren en un estil de torsió i també lail·luminació delestroboscòpic que el flaix intensament.il·luminació de so DJ pot ser controlat per una activació desointern, on la unitat té una funció de llum de soincorporatal. Altres opcions de control són mestre-esclau sigui que el seuala discoteca, deliri o club, la llum del partit és per als amantsdela festa i estar en les llums. És l'espectacle de llum originalqueconverteix el teu telèfon en una màquina de llum hipnòtica!Party lallum fa ús de l'acceleròmetre intern del seu telèfon,càmera imicròfon llums LED a pols, llum estroboscòpica i barrejardiversosefectes d'il·luminació basats en el so i el moviment.deliri maneraúnica de partit de la llum canvia de color en funcióde com es mantéel telèfon.Party la llum és la llum del disc i de la llum original deladansa!La llum estroboscòpica de les parts té múltiples, deliri, efectesdecolor amb més efectes en les obres!Només cal encendre la llum del partit i es triga més de polsalritme de la música que va a girar el cap i crea un ambient únicquefa part de l'experiència!flaix de la càmera de palanca per donar senyals d'auxili. fonsdepantalla de palanca amb diferents colors per crear unadiscotecafrescefecte! la manera de llum del disc al seu torn el seu flash LEDencèsi apagat amb el so circumdant. El telèfon es convertirà enunequalitzador gràfic.El disc de la llum juntament amb l'àudio és una maneraimpressionantper canviar les coses quan el grup / tertúlia giraboring.Don'tesperar que una de les parts / música per encendre elsllums. Crearun partit amb el color de la llum del disc.enganxat fora sense llum del carrer? aplicació de la llum delatorxa de color l'ajuda a terme en la més fosca de lesocasions.Utilitzeu la llum del disc del color per trobar el seientperfecteen una sala a les fosques, o trobar el seu camí al voltantquanse'n va la llum a casa.llum estroboscòpica:llums estroboscòpics calibrats especials, capaços d'intermitentfinsa centenars de vegades per segon, s'utilitzen en la indústriaperaturar l'aparença de moviment de rotació i una altramaquinàriarepetitivament operatiu i per mesurar, o ajustar, lesvelocitats derotació o els temps de cicle. Des d'aquesta parada ésnomésaparent, un punt marcat en el cos giratori o bé sembla mourecapenrere o cap endavant, o es mou, depenent de la freqüència delallum estroboscòpica-flaix.Com treballarús de la llum del disc del color en tota mena de cançódefesta.1 Iniciar descàrrega d'un disc de la llum del color2 Després de la descàrrega d'instal·lació d'aplicacions3 oberta del disc del color Llum4 Ara Inicia una cançó de festa en el seu sistema de so5 Que torni en aplicació6 Feu clic a Mic Llum7 de començar d'oscil·lació partit en el dolç llar, club,platja,etc.Característiques :-Parpellejar la llum del flaixmés brillanten cas d'emergènciaGrandària AppFlash de llum d'encesa / apagatL'hora de partit del disc, apagar els llums toquen la músicaiutilitzar aquesta aplicació per a la diversióaplicació gratuïtaEl petit partit s'utilitzi la llum naturalNo és un alt cost salarial per a la il·luminacióDisc Far de treball en SoPlena de diversió i entreteniment de tempsFons de pantalla diferent disc de la llumCanvi automàtic del paper pintatSo de menor importància en el TreballFlash automàtic TreballAquest treball aplicació en tots els telèfons intel·ligents
Jesus Prayer 1.1.1
Dhurandhar apps
Jesus Prayer audio songs and Jesus Prayer Different Wallpapers.
Cricket Flashlight
Dhurandhar apps
Cricket is a bat-and-ball game playedbetweentwo teams of eleven players on a cricket field, at thecenter ofwhich is a rectangular 22-yard-long pitch with a wicket (aset ofthree wooden stumps) sited at each end. One team, designatedthebatting team, attempts to score as many runs as possible,whilsttheir opponents field. Each phase of play is called aninnings.After either ten batsmen have been dismissed or a fixednumber ofovers have been completed, the innings ends and the twoteams thenswap roles. The winning team is the one that scores themost runs,including any extras gained, during their one or twoinnings.At the start of each game, two batsmen and eleven fielders enterthefield of play. The play begins when a designated member ofthefielding team, known as the bowler, delivers the ball from oneendof the pitch to the other, towards the wicket at that end, infrontof which stands one of the batsmen, known as the striker.Thestriker "takes guard" on a crease drawn on the pitch four feetinfront of the wicket. His role is to prevent the ball fromhittingthe stumps by use of his bat, and simultaneously to strikeit wellenough to score runs. The other batsman, known as thenon-striker,waits at the opposite end of the pitch near the bowler.A dismissedbatsman must leave the field, and a teammate replaceshim. Thebowler's objectives are to prevent the scoring of runs andtodismiss the batsman. An over is a set of six deliveries bowledbythe same bowler. The next over is bowled from the other end ofthepitch by a different bowler.The most common forms of dismissal are bowled, when the bowlerhitsthe stumps directly with the ball, leg before wicket, whenthebatsman prevents the ball from hitting the stumps with hisbodyinstead of his bat, and caught, when the batsman hits the ballintothe air and it is intercepted by a fielder before touchingtheground. Runs are scored by two main methods: either by hittingtheball hard enough for it to cross the boundary, or by thetwobatsmen swapping ends by each simultaneously running the lengthofthe pitch in opposite directions whilst the fielders areretrievingthe ball. If a fielder retrieves the ball quickly enoughto putdown the wicket with a batsman not having reached the creaseatthat end of the pitch, that batsman is dismissed (arun-outoccurs). Adjudication is performed on the field bytwoumpires.Cricket stadiumCricket is most interesting game of world. People areinterestedwatch a game. some people are watch home and some was gotostadium. all countries people are support here team. cricketmatchare very enjoy full in stadium.cricket game in old time small stadium this time people wassupporthear team small poster . this poster in write a yourfavoriteplayer name and some poster in interesting slogan.now a day cricket match is day-night match. that time oneteambatting in day time and one team batting night time. stadiumpeopleare Incentive hear team in day time and night time people wasnewstyle are use that was cricket flashlight.dhurandhar app lunch new app that was cricket flashlightthis app was use in live cricket stadium. now a day cricket teaminunder presser movement in most of Incentive hear country peopleinstadium. that time people was start phone flashlight andsupporthear team.now a day on flashlight time all stadium are like a sky star.FEATURESeasy to start cricket flashlightcharge save on run appon/off flashfree use after downloadfull brightness flash
Photo Editor Pro i 1.0.2
Dhurandhar apps
Our quick Photo Editor pro i app combinesafeature-rich photo editor pro i with a richly creativecollagemaker that lets you adjust RGB . Change white balanceorsaturation, or apply photo effects and adjustments to anentireimage or specific regions. Use photo filters with just onetouch toapply lens flare effects or create light leaked photos.PhotoEditor Pro i App gives you an array of tools to turn youreverydaypics into spectacular National Geographic styleartwork.Change yoursmartphone pics and make them look like theywere shot on a SmartCamera. Photoshop your travel pictures, enhancelandscape images,and create a professional quality artwork from anordinaryphotograph. This holiday season use our photo frames,filters andeffects to add a touch of festive magic to yourpics.Photo Editor Pro i :-Edit your photo instantly with this powerful Photo Editor pro iapp,which is one of the best photo editing tool in android. Getthe bestphotography art in your photos with large number ofamazing photoeffects.You can create good colour effect photos with this photo editorproi app which will let you create beautiful photos. This appcomeswith beautiful photo frames as well.Only photo needs to be selected and get large varieties ofphotoeffects, overlays, enhances options to beautify your picture.Youcan also use red eyes removal option in this Photo Editor proiTool and share Explore the unique features of this Photo Editorproi app to edit pics in numerous ways. What makes this PhotoEditorpro i app special is the variety of options it offers forPhotoEditor.Avail 65+ unique photo editing effects. Use the effects ofthisPhoto editor to give your pics an awesome look.You can add text of different colours by using this photoeditingtool. Also use this Photo Editor tool to add someCoolStickers.Pictures can be filtered, by using the vignette option, ofthisPhoto Editor pro i tool.You can use wide varieties of beautiful photo frames of thisPhotoEditor pro i tool .The colour of the photo can be altered, using this Photo Editorproi tool.You can also draw on the pic, using this Photo Editor proitool.Add and adjust HDR effects to create dramatic travel pics,andlandscape imagesInstantly choose preset photo effects including Lomo, Artistic,HDRand Vignette, to give your photo a professional artworkstylefinishCategory:Crop-Custom-1:1-16:9-4:3-3:2-2:3Orientation-Left-Right-Flip Horizontal-Flip VerticalFilter-None-1920-Ancient-Bleached-Blues-Blue Shad-breeze-Black & White-Classic-Gysmo-Cool-Cotton-Creamy-Eidhties Elder-Evening-Fall-Fixie-Food-Fridge-Front-Glam-High Crap-High Crontrast-K1 k2 K6-K Dynmic-Keen-Lenin-Lithon-Lomo-Lomo100-lucid-Mellow-Neat-No Green-Orhid-Pale-Pola 669-Pola SX-Pro 400-Quozi-Sepiahigh-Settled-Seventiles-Sin-Soft-Steel-Summer-Sunset-Tender-Texas-Winter-X400Adjust-Brightness-Contrast-SaturationText30+ font StyleSticker30 + stickerFocus-Linear-RadialBrush-Hardness SizeKey features Photo Editor Pro-i :--Select photo from gallery or camera.-Put Text On Photo.-Save and share your photo with your friend via social media.-Adjust color, add effects, frame, clone and draw onyourphotos-Curves interface that allows fine-tuning of colors-Drawing tools-Adding text, images or shapes-Easy rotation, crop or resize of photos-Easily edit with the touch and pinch-to-zoom interface-Use photos from your gallery and camera-Set A filter Effect different type-65+ filter are use-30+ text Font are use-Custom Color using on text and text background-30+ Sticker are use
Wake Up Time - Alarm Clock 1.0.1
Dhurandhar apps
Wake up gently to your favorite music andavoidaccidentally disabling your alarm with Wake up timeAlarmclock.The alarm clock that wakes you in the morning can have an impactonthe rest of your day and we know that most people prefer tobewoken with a different alarm on a weekend to that of a workingday.Wake up Time Alarm clock offers you this functionality andmuchmore.The Wake up Time alarm clock are one type of reminder. Wake uptimethat was set alarm and day time That was reminder.Wake up time Alarm can helps you to remind - Daily TodoTasks,Meetings, Homework and Assignments, Business Appointments,TakingMedication/Pills, Paying Bills, Policy renewals, ImportantCalls,Birthdays, Anniversaries and many more.* * * A Wake up time alarm clock for deep sleepers withunlimited,fully customizable alarm profiles- Recurring alarms - daily or weekly repeats, intervals,setexpiration, etc.- One-time alarms - set any date- wake - for free!* * * Each alarm has its own settings- Wake up with a smart gentle alarm and start your day withyourfavorite song along with Real time- Adjust snooze time on the fly- Set up multiple alarms that work — even for deep sleepers!- Alarm fade-in Length- Alarm Volume- Default Ringtone are set* * * Let you sleep on off-daysEver been roused from a good, deep sleep on a public holiday,justbecause the alarm clock wasn't turn off? knows the publicholidaysfor your country, alarms won’t go off on thesedays(optional).* * * Wake Up Time Alarm Clock features:- choose your favorite music- Random song set on alarm- Default Ringone are set- unlimited Alarm on set- All over day reminder are set on one app- Snooze Duration set on custom- Snooze duration set 4min, 5min, 6min,....15min set- Alarm Volume custom set- Alarm Fade-in Length are set on custom- vibrate on/off- Alarm Title are set- That alarm work on running call time- Easy to Alarm on/off- one time set alarm All day auto work thisAn alarm clock (or sometimes just an alarm) is a clock thatisdesigned to alert an individual or group of individualsatspecified time. The primary function of these clocks is toawakenpeople from their night's sleep or short naps; they aresometimesused for other reminders as well. Most use sound; some uselight orvibration. Some have sensors to identify when a person isin alight stage of sleep, in order to avoid waking someone whoisdeeply asleep, which causes tiredness, even if the person hashadadequate sleep. To stop the sound or light, a button or handleonthe clock is pressed; most clocks automatically stop the alarmifleft unattended long enough. A classic analog alarm clock hasanextra hand or inset dial that is used to specify the time atwhichto activate the alarm. Alarm clocks are also found on mobilephonesand watches.Traditional mechanical alarm clocks have one or two bells thatringby means of a mainspring that powers a gear to propel a hammerbackand forth between the two bells or between the interior sidesof asingle bell. In some models, the back encasement of theclockitself acts as the bell. In an electric bell-style alarmclock, thebell is rung by an electromagnetic circuit and armaturethat turnsthe circuit on and off repeatedly.Digital alarm clocks can make other noises. Simplebattery-poweredalarm clocks make a loud buzzing or beeping sound towake asleeper, while novelty alarm clocks can speak, laugh, sing,or playsounds from nature.I hope you like thisRate this App
App Lock 1.1.2
Dhurandhar apps
The best free App Lock with Pattern and Pin support. Protect yourPrivacy. Keep your privacy by locking apps like Gallery, call,Contacts, Messaging, File Manager or anything you want. You’ve gotlots of sensitive information in the apps installed on your phoneor tablet device. Many times, even apps that store pictures,personal and financial information, or control remote access toyour home don’t require a security PIN, password or lock screenpattern to open. * * * App Lock to protect and safeguard yourprivacy : - Add passcode security to apps that don’t have it. -Lock All app with pattern lock. - Prevent those embarrassing“pocket-dial” accidents. - Lock one or more app with the same4-digit PIN pass code. - Make sure you’re the only one changingyour social status or posts. - Keep app content private if youshare your device with kids or friends to play games or watchvideos. - Protect your private data and photos from the prying eyesof intruders. * * *Main Features : # App lock is simple and quick.# App Lock in Select Lock App is very Easy select. # App Lock incall privacy. That is hide to miss call and dialer call. # Privacylock, to prevent others from seeing your album, video and a varietyof sensitive applications! # PIN lock: random keyboard. 4-digit pinare set. # pattern lock : random drawing 3*3. # Lock any apps usingpattern & pin. # Home Screen Locker. # App lock Privacy tochild. # App Lock Full Privacy To your life partner. # Lock screentimeout. # app lock home screen are Good locking and creative * **How it Works : > Download App Lock app > Install The AppLock > First to open App time Auto open setting menu (some Phonein not open) > setting menu in apps with usage access are open> that is in app lock menu are show > app lock menu open thanpermit usage access are keep on > Setting menu close after autoopen app lock > app lock in first to set pattern lock two time> Than open private question answer > Question Answer 6-7Question > Select any one question and that answer are give >after finally open app lock > App lock in Select to the hide app> last to close app and select your hide app are lock > Ifyou would like to pin you can choose Setting Menu and select pin.App Lock can create multiple lockers and store files in them. Theselockers are actually folders which are encrypted. There isvirtually no way to access them except to enter the correctpassword. Multiple lockers can have multiple passwords which aren'trelated with the main Folder Lock software. This means that there'sno way to access these lockers if the user does not know thecorrect password, even if he has access to the main Folder Lock.App lock in Lock your important Email, Document, Message etc lockin Business work. In home father, Wife, GirlFriend, children etc tosecret your phone. That to privacy lock use to app lock. That timeApp lock is pin and pattern are dial 3-4 time. No Tension to hiddenanything like Secret Messages, Naughty Chat, Girlfriend Secrettalk, Dirty Images, Hot Video because You can lock your Android alltype of Application like Social etc..., Gallery Images,MusicPlayer, Video Player, Game with App Lock or Secret Password. TheApp lock is designed upon Android system , to provide fullyprotection to your privacy. After you set a list of protected apps,there will be pattern or password protection when the protectedapps starting.
Solid Color Wallpaper 1.1.6
Dhurandhar apps
The Solid Color Wallpaper app offers a simple way to changewallpaper based on how you feel. Color Wallpaper serves as aalternate way to express your mood, personality & attitudethrough your handheld devices. Solid color wallpaper use lessmemory, less battery, and may even speed up your device.You canalso shuffle and get a surprising random color, and preview thecolor in all its glory by going full screen, and by setting it toits maximum radiance. And, last but not least, you can copy anycolor name and code to reuse it in any other app or site. Out ofmillions of colors a creative community of thousands of art andcolor lovers have handpicked the finest ones out there. All colorsin Simplicity are considered to be the most loved in the world. ***Solid Color Wallpaper Features: - solid color wallpaper HD - Coolnice colors - Minimum battery use - Small file size - colorwallpaper Cool animation - wallpaper More than 100 colors with eachname - Beautiful selection of colors - Easily change backgroundimages or wallpapers - Make your mobile/ Tablet wallpaper lookssimple, nice and clean - Select from a variety of vibrant colorswith different hue - Look up for your favourite color withhexadecimal color codes - Solid color wallpaper Supports all screenresolutions - Simple and Intuitive Interface - Just touch any colorand your wallpaper is set! - Tablet support - Simple and cleanwallpaper - Save your favorite color for quick access - No specialpermission - Free! The most common colour names are: Black,Gray/Grey, White ,Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Brown,Magenta, Cyan, Olive , Maroon, Navy, Aquamarine, Turquoise, Silver,Lime, Teal, Indigo, Violet, Pink "Primary colours" can be mixed tomake the other colours. Red, yellow and blue are the threetraditional primary colours. The primary colours for televisionscreens and computer monitors are red, green and blue. Printers usemagenta, yellow and cyan as their primary colours; they also useblack. People who can not see colours or have a distorted sense ofcolour are called colour blind. Most colour blind people are male.Colours are sometimes added to food. Food colouring is used tocolour food, but some foods have natural colourings, like betacarotene. When something has no colour, it is transparent. Anexample is air. A translucent material is not the same as acolourless material because it can still have a colour, likestained glass. Black is the darkest color resulting from theabsence or complete absorption of light. Like white and grey, it isan achromatic color, literally a color without hue. It is one ofthe four primary colors in the CMYK color model, along with cyan,yellow, and magenta, used in color printing to produce all theother colors. Black is often used to represent darkness; it is thesymbolic opposite of white (or brightness). Red is the color at thelonger-wavelengths end of the spectrum of visible light next toorange, at the opposite end from violet. Light with a longerwavelength than red but shorter than terahertz radiation andmicrowave is called infrared. Yellow is the color of ripe lemons,sunflowers, and gold. It is between green and orange in the visiblespectrum, and a primary color in subtractive color, used in colorprinting. Blue is the colour between violet and green on theoptical spectrum of visible light. Pink is a pale red color whichtakes its name from the flower of the same name. According tosurveys in Europe and the United States, pink is the color mostoften associated with charm, politeness, sensitivity, tenderness,sweetness, childhood, femininity, and the romantic.
Pedometer Step Counter 1.0.8
Dhurandhar apps
Smart pedometer step counter and walking tracker in your Pocket
Independence Day photo Maker 1.1.8
Dhurandhar apps
15 August - Independence Day photo create some profile pictures
Happy Birthday Photo 2.0.8
Dhurandhar apps
Happy Birthday Photo with Frame, sticker and Name on photo &cake
Battery Alarm Indicator 1.1.2
Dhurandhar apps
"Remove the charger when the battery is fully charged. Energysavedby you can fill Light in someones life". By keeping theEnergyConservation in mind we have developed 'Battery AlarmIndicator'app which will notify you by alarming on 100% charging ofbattery.This will help you to save energy and protect your phonebattery Itwill also keep you updated on battery charging statusthroughnotification and home screen widget. This application willalertyou as soon as your battery level reaches 100% ofcharge.***Features for Battery Alarm ***: - Battery Alarm SMARTWATCHintegration. - BATTERY PERCENTAGE - Custom battery chargealert %(By default 80%) - Battery Alarm Indicator Charge time -Sound,vibration and flash light alert alarm when charger isunplugged. -Turn off theft alarm if all you need is battery fullalarm. ***Battery Indicator Features :*** - Battery Alarm IndicatorHomescreen widgets. - Multiple icon set options - Displaysestimatedtime left to discharge or charge. - Big readable digits.-Automatic time-remaining estimates based on recent usage -Manyconfiguration options
Girlfriend Photo Editor 1.3
Dhurandhar apps
Girlfriend photo editor app have some new and stylish CollectionofPhoto editor for girlfriend photo frame album. This PhotoEditorpresents our newest girlfriend photo edit: Stickers PhotoEditor.Edit you photos with ease by adding the cutest and mostfashionablestickers from our sticker collection of girlfriend photoframe.This app has wide collection of amazing Girlfriends. You canstartby creating and decorating yourself in seconds using only yourpicfrom your camera or already taken image from gallery. 200+Girlsticker photo are available in girlfriend photo editor app.Findmodern, trendy Girlfriend. Make beautiful and smartGirlfriendphotos. You can find different types of Girlfriend all inoneGirlfriend Photo Editor. Make your look more awesome. selfiewithgirlfriend Awesome photo stickers for phones and amazeeveryonewith your cool photograph editing skills on girlfriendboyfriendphoto editor. girlfriend photo frame are so old now wepresents youthe most stylish and cute photo editor that is gf photoeditor.Application Features : - Select photo from gallery orcapturepicture from beauty camera. - Beautify your photo usinggirlfriendphoto frames of your choice. - Girls photo editor has200+collection girl with photo. - You can set girls photo frame inyourgallery image with use of our girlfriend photo editor apps.-Rotate, scale, zoom in, zoom out or drag the photo to fit theframeas you like. - Here we provide you the best gf photo framewithmagic brush photo editor. - Latest love sticker, emojis,editingtool available in this app. - Need a girlfriend, i need agirl,looking for a girlfriend - Change Girl friend colour, sizeandstyle to make stylish. -also sunglasses and cap sticker - Saveyourcreated photo and Share photo via social networks:Facebook,Instagram, and Twitter. Girlfriend photo editor Girlfriendphotoeditor app provides background for world's best natural photosandfamous places. You can try this best editor, best photobackground,different emoji faces, beautiful etc. selfie withgirlfriend apphave some new and stylish Collection of Photo editorfor girlfriendphoto .This Photo Editor presents our newestboyfriend andgirlfriend photo edit Stickers Photo Editor. surprisefor yourfriend Make a your photo with a beautiful girl and shareyourfriend and asked i got a new gf. Fear to your real girlfriendMakea your photo with a fake girlfriend and share your realgirlfriend.gf photo editor girls photo editor has 200+ collectiongirl withphoto you can set girls photo frame in your gallery imagewith useof our girlfriend photo editor A similar, but notequivalent,concept is the more ambiguous "lady friend" – acompanion of thefemale gender who is possibly less than agirlfriend butpotentially more than a friend. That is to say, therelationship isnot necessarily platonic, nor is it necessarily anexclusive,serious, committed, or long-term relationship. The termavoids theovert sexual implications that come with referring to awoman assomeone's "mistress" or "lover". In that sense, it canoften be aeuphemism. The term can also sometimes be employed whensomeonesimply does not know the exact status of a woman that a manhasbeen associating with. For instance, tabloid headlines oftennotethat a celebrity has been seen with a new "lady friend"."Ladyfriend" may also be used to signify a romantic relationshipwith anolder woman, when the term "girl" as in "girlfriend" may bedeemedage-inappropriate.
Tattoo Photo Editor 1.3
Dhurandhar apps
Create your beautiful photo with our application, tattoo myphotoeditor. You can put the to your Tattoo without painful.Moreoveryou can apply effects and filters over your picture. TattooMyPhoto Editor is a application which can be used by both manandwoman. 2000 + new stylish and beautiful tattoo design areavailablein tattoo my photo editor Tattoo my Photo editor inavailable foradjust transparent & color (Custom Color mode). NoPain and youwill get your tattoo done by using our applicationtattoo my photoeditor . It applying tattoos on your photo and itgives a realtattoo look. Now all boys and girls wants a verystylish and coollooking tattoo . Use Tattoo my photo editor andtattoo your body byyourself. Tattoo my photo editor containsdifferent styles oftattoo design and it is very easy to use. ******Tattoo DesignCategories :- 1- Dragon tattoo designs - 200+ dragontattooscollection - Different Country Dragon Tattoo are Available(japanese dragon tattoo, chinese dragon tattoo) - Boys and girlwiththe dragon tattoo - Color full and new dragon Tattoo 2-Anchortattoo design - Anchor tattoo on wrist is best tattoo idea -anchortattoo on finger - anchor tattoo arm - 70+ ship and anchortattoo -small anchor tattoo are add in this app - color anchor like(purpleanchor) 3- cross tattoo designs - simple cross tattoo -crosstattoos for men and woman - small cross tattoo - cross tattooonhand, forearm, neck, back, chest, arm etc cross tattoo best ideas-jesus on the cross tattoo 4- love tattoo designs - 200+ lovetattooideas and love tattoo sticker - special for Girl love -infinitylove tattoo - love birds tattoo - love symbol tattoo 5-Musictattoo design - Music tattoo designs for guys - 100+Musicsymboltattoo - Music Tattoo like in Band, Guitar, Tone - SomeMusictattoo drawings 6- Rose tattoo design - black rose tattoo -yellow,red, White, Blue etc rose tattoo - 70+ rose tattoo designs7-Butterfly tattoo designs - 3d butterfly tattoo - white,red,yellow, pink, blue, black butterfly tattoo - traditionalbutterflytattoo - tattoo pictures butterfly 8- Animal tattoodesigns -Different Country Animal Tattoo are Available ( japaneseanimal) -Feesh , elephant, Dog, Lion, Snakes Tattoo - 200+ animaltattoo kit9- skull tattoo designs - Human, deer skull tattoo - 100+tattooskull designs - skull spider tattoo 10- star tattoo designs -allstar tattoo - star life tattoo - red star tattoo - 50+ startattoodesigns for man and woman 11- simple tattoo designs - 200+tattoodesigns - heart tattoo designs simple - simple angel tattoo-tattoo simple lines - simple tattoo for girl and boys - 3dtattoodesigns - bird tattoo designs 12- gangster tattoos designs-gangster tattoos for men - 100+ gangster tattoos - gangstertattoosfor females **** features of Tattoo My photo Editor -collection ofnice tattoo for everyone include different styles -choose photofrom camera or gallery - One tap auto enhance. - Easyto resize,rotate and save it in your memory card. - Choose asticker from thetattoo booth: a great number of tattoos of allcolors, sizes andshapes - 40+ color set on tattoo - Save photo onyour phone andsd_card - no watermarks on photo - Drag the stickerwith yourfinger and place it on the pic! - Zoom in and Zoom outavailable. -Share your photo via social media
Happy Birthday Songs 6.3.2
Dhurandhar apps
Happy birthday song Play and Share for Family Members and Relatives